Microsoft authorization
- Through the Microsoft Services Provider License Agreement (SPLA), service providers and independent software developers (ISVs) can purchase licenses for Microsoft products on a monthly basis within a three-year contract period to provide customers with software services and application hosting services . Other Microsoft mass licensing schemes, such as Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (EA), Microsoft Select Plus and Microsoft Open schemes (Open License and Open Value) and OEM random version authorization do not allow Microsoft products to be hosted or used for external operations, but SPLA can Offers a license to host certain Microsoft

Rights and Interests
The SPLA provides the following benefits:
- The services provided can be customized. Tailor-made IT services can be provided to customers through a dedicated or shared hosting environment. Increase the value of your service by managing software usage rights for your customers.
- Pay as you go, with no upfront costs. Only pay a monthly license fee for the products you use to provide the service, with no upfront costs, monthly sales volumes, or long-term commitments.
- The latest product version is available. Offer your customers the latest and most feature-rich Microsoft platform. Free product downloads through the Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) without ordering physical media.
- Try it before you buy it. Products can be tested and evaluated internally before being provided to customers as a service.
- Legacy Software Use Rights. The SPLA includes legacy product use rights like other Microsoft Volume Licensing product plans. Doing so will help you transition smoothly to an application serving and hosted business model.
- Outsource data center services. Microsoft products can be installed on servers that are provided with day-to-day management and control by an outsourced company. The company can then perform data center management, testing and maintenance support services on your behalf.
- Installation is performed at the customer's facility. Install Microsoft products on installations that you own or lease and are located on customer premises.
- Provide presentation and evaluation. You can provide up to 50 user product demonstrations of Microsoft software and can offer customers a free 60-day trial period.
- A single contract with related companies is sufficient.
- Support software service resellers. Extend the scope of the clause to cover resellers of software services who are also users